The Aligned offer

Watch this 20 minute training detailing the single thing my clients install into their coaching business to...

  • Start making sales on auto-pilot without needing sales calls ever again...
  •  Turn their skillset and service into an irresistible programme your market needs...
  • Finally get your and your market crystal clear on exactly what your service actually does...

The birth of the aligned offer...

I vividly remember struggling to grow my online coaching business…

Every single month I’d be worried where my next client might come from and barely even making a profit.

I tried all the marketing ‘hacks’ and ‘tactics’ and nothing seemed to work.

I was looking at the more ‘basic’ coaches that seemed to be crushing it and was wondering what I was missing.

I started to get desperate…

Thinking the answer must be a hidden marketing tactic I didn’t know about yet…

Or maybe I just needed to keep posting reels until one went viral…

Or maybe I needed to do another course to become a better coach…

I went down the rabbit hole of every single one of these.

Wasting thousands of pounds and hundreds of hours.

Working with an ads expert for an entire year just to finish the year with less monthly revenue than when I started.

I tried every style of content under the sun thinking something has got to click. Nothing changed apart from feeling like I was losing myself in the process.

I kept pumping thousand of pounds into new courses to become a better coach and this confused things even more, looking back this actually harmed my business.

I was close to giving up…

That was until I stepped back and looked at things with a fresh pair of eyes.

I looked at other businesses and realised…

“Most other businesses have no problems with client acquisition. Their problem is in delivering the service. Where are we going wrong in coaching?”

And it clicked.

We’re so busy trying to be an AUTHORITY… We forget to be a UTILITY.

People go to a mechanic because their car is broken, not because they like the mechanic.

People hire a taxi because they’ve got somewhere to be, not because they like the driver.

So why are we trying to be LIKED and not PAID.

I went down this rabbit hole, I engineered my business around it, and everything changed.

I began selling out my coaching within a matter of days.

I wasn’t even doing sales calls. I was selling thousands of pounds worth of coaching in the DM’s while laying on my sofa.

And I’ve been able to help every one of my clients do the exact same thing.


I went through three transformations:

First, I stripped everything back and looked at the most important part of my business, my offer. I aligned it with the exact psychology of why people buy. My offer became a utility that solved a specific problem for a specific person.

Unlike most coaches who rely on just selling a ‘service’ and hope their prospects like them enough to choose them.

Second, I entered the market with a scientist’s mindset. I realised it’s not about me, it’s about what I’m selling. And what I’m selling has 7 core components that can be tweaked. I went into the market, listened closely to market feedback, and iterated my offer until it sold with easy via DM’s.

Unlike most coaches, on the other hand, have their industry standard service they’ve never questioned and just keep trying to sell the same thing, even when they’re seeing no success.

And finally, I completely simplified my business. Now I knew what was actually important in my business I could find leverage. I could eliminate 80% of my work day and focus on the 20% that mattered. Then I created an ‘Offer Ecosystem’ that allowed the work I did with clients to actually create more clients, without me having to work more.

Unlike most coaches who feel like they need to do a million things every day to keep their business alive. I found congruency. Meaning effort in one part (coaching) impacted all the others (marketing and sales).

Do you recognise any of the above scenarios in yourself?

The truth is, if you’re making any of the above mistakes you’re limiting your growth as a coach, wasting time and pouring energy into the wrong things.

The space is only becoming more and more saturated, but everyone is selling a service and trying to become an ‘authority’.

It doesn’t take much to stand out and become a ‘utility’ that people have to use. Which is the most reliable way to actually become an authority.

If you’re ready to stand out in your market, turn your service into an irresistible offer people love to buy and completely streamline your business…

You’re in luck.

I have put together a 23 minute training going into the exact first steps you should take to do exactly this, and outlining the bigger picture this fits within…

You’ll discover:

1) How you can start creating leads on autopilot and never need to do a sales call ever again

2) How to turn your existing skillset and service into an irresistible offer and start signing up perfect-fit clients next week

3) How to get your market crystal clear on exactly what it is you do, even for the most unusual coaching programmes

This system has transformed mine and my clients business, you can grab it for free now.

Don’t miss it.